Monday, October 24, 2011

Week 10 Prompt: Research

DUE: Friday, October 28, 2011, no later than 6 pm

This week you will be performing research on one text from the readings. Choose one text and search for that text in the MLA Bibliography, located on the WSU library website.

  • Choose a text 
  • Go to the MLA Bibliography 
  • Type in the text’s title in the search field and search 
  • Limit the list to journal articles 
  • Review the results and find an article that looks interesting to you 
  • Read the article and write a summary of and response to it 
  • Attach your assignment AND the pdf article to an email and send it to me 
I’ve put a link to the MLA Bibliography under the Readings section at the top left of the website. Hamlet is already in the search field. Be sure to erase it and enter the title of the work you want to research. Once you choose an article, download the pdf version of it, read it, summarize its argument and supporting evidence, and then respond. You may agree, disagree, or find yourself somewhere in the middle, but you must explain why.

  • Find an article using the MLA Bibliography 
  • Read the article 
  • Write a summary of and response to the article, no less than 250 words 
Email the assignment AND pdf article to me by Friday, October 28, no later than 6 pm. If I receive it after 6 pm it will be considered late and will receive a reduction in points. If I do not receive it before Monday, October 31, it will receive no credit.

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