Welcome to the website for English 108, Fall 2011. As you will immediately notice, this site is not just a static webpage but also, and primarily, a blog. As the students of English 108, you will be responsible for adding content to this site by writing and publishing posts. All weekly assignments will be published here as blog posts; however, it is my hope that these assignments also serve as an archive of interpretation, available to all students at all times. In this way, the site becomes a place for conversation. Ideally, students will not just post but will read and comment on one another's posts, thereby engaging in discussions about literature and literary studies.
I will give you specific prompts each week with instructions for posting. In large part, these assignments will involve explication of one or more texts from the week's readings, but as the semester progresses, and as we become more adept at reading, I will ask you to expand your methods of interpretation. More than anything, this is a class about how to read using various interpretive lenses, and this site is the forum where you will practice and perfect your skills as close readers.
Finally, I don't want to limit the social potential of this site. If as a student you have a question about a text and you would like feedback from your peers, please feel free to create a new post. I would only ask that all student posts be limited to topics related to the class. At all times, please be good citizens in this space. Arguments are healthy, but only if they are considerate. If you disagree with your peers, do so in a way that challenges but also respects them. Ad hominem attacks will not be tolerated.
Once again, welcome! I look forward to reading each student's contribution. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns. If you'd like to practice responding, you may respond in the comment section of this post. Good luck and happy reading!